Wednesday, March 6, 2013


On Saturday, Febuary 23rd 2013, New York Times posted a blog titled: Violent, Drunk, and Holding a Gun I totally agree on this situation becoming and is a problem because gun violence in todays time is already a problem, now adding a law for everyone to be encountered with a gun would be highly detrimental. According to the New York Times blog, their speaking to America saying, people convicted of violent misdemeanors including assaults, and those who are achohol abusers would be holding guns. Unless guns are also kept from these high risk people,preventable gun violence will continue, and even worse. People with violent mistimeanors are unable to have guns BUT it permits gun ownership and purchases for people with other mistimeanors like assult and battery, brandishing, and even those who make threats. Research shows that people with violent mistimeanors or more than likely to buy guns and commiting a crime even greater. The same with acohol abusers except their already in the mindstate of commitng suiside which would lead to even more deaths. This law CANNOT be passed even if President Obama stresses backgrownd checks, gun violence has to stop!

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