Tuesday, April 23, 2013


According to the article  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/19/opinion/criminalizing-children-at-school.html?ref=editorials ,President Obama wants more law enforcements into school buildings. It goes on and  discusses that allowing more policeman in the schools increases more criminal arrests. This article on "Criminalizing Children in School" talks about how kids at the age of 12 are being treated as criminals by doing minor things like cursing in school as so on. It was shown in a 2011 study from the University of Houston, Maryland, Clear Lake etc. that younger people who spend time in jail will create even more problems with law enforcements when they get older. I agree with this article to a certain extent because I feel like that even though policeman are in the schools to protect, create a better way in behaving, and also keeping kids from making mistakes they are still creating worse disturbance because the minor arrests that are taking place creates bad behavior. At the end of the day, schools need policeman to not only be their for our safety, but their to be an example, not a hindrance.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Will guns help society?!?

According to New York Times, article: http://nocera.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/28/the-gun-report-march-28-2013/ have discussed very disturbing news on gun violence. This situation is currently being discussed with the U.S. National Government on wheather it would be appropriate and helpful to America. According to Joe Nocera, a 22 year old Florida woman shot and killed her daughter while Moments after killing herself.Her 3 year old daughters body left helplessly while the people at the public golf course stood there waiting for help. This type of incidents can NOT go on any longer, promoting armed weapons to everyone would cause a total disaster to not only certain people but to America.According to http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/opinion/congress-takes-up-gun-violence.html?_r=0 , this article is letting people be aware of the difficult task on passing this law; but the Government feels that there should be a better way to protect our citizens. I feel that if the Goverment thinks passing a law to allow people to carry guns around will be a big mistake. This would cause even more killings in America.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


On Saturday, Febuary 23rd 2013, New York Times posted a blog titled: Violent, Drunk, and Holding a Gunhttp://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/opinion/sunday/violent-drunk-and-holding-a-gun.html?ref=editorials&_r=0. I totally agree on this situation becoming and is a problem because gun violence in todays time is already a problem, now adding a law for everyone to be encountered with a gun would be highly detrimental. According to the New York Times blog, their speaking to America saying, people convicted of violent misdemeanors including assaults, and those who are achohol abusers would be holding guns. Unless guns are also kept from these high risk people,preventable gun violence will continue, and even worse. People with violent mistimeanors are unable to have guns BUT it permits gun ownership and purchases for people with other mistimeanors like assult and battery, brandishing, and even those who make threats. Research shows that people with violent mistimeanors or more than likely to buy guns and commiting a crime even greater. The same with acohol abusers except their already in the mindstate of commitng suiside which would lead to even more deaths. This law CANNOT be passed even if President Obama stresses backgrownd checks, gun violence has to stop!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Critisism To Chinease Cyberbullying

The author is trying to tell readers that the Government is increasly concerned about the chinease bullying and that they are looking deep into this issue. Cyberspecialist said the goal of hacking include industrial espionage, insider tracking, and potientially damaging the information. I fully agree because this can seriously cause a huge probem for the Government and the United States. The chinease hacking into our data and damaging our information could land this country in a world full of trouble and that is definately their intentions. The hackers have already broke into our systems over the past 4 monthes and gained passwords that belonged to employees and reporters. The FBI breached in the middle of last year and found that the hackers were coming from Beijing bureau. Now that the FBI and the government knows about this issue, what are they going to do? Its only a matter of time before the Chinease hack into our entire programs. The United Staes have to fix this issue or its going to get out of hand.http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6272781235144291864#editor/target=post;postID=5133182628607642432

Embedding a link in Blogger

On Thursday,  January 31, 2013, The Wallstreet Journal posted an article titled, Chinease Hackers Hit U.S. Media

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Embedding A Link In Blogger

Hello everyone,
 Today i found an interesting article on how economists have there perpective on happieness. I thought this was pretty interesting because the United States Government are exploring the issue if that is true or not. They talk about how money makes people happy when really i believe everyone has there own opinion on happienss. I was scrolling through the internet and this artile just "hit me right in the face" i think you guys should read it:

On Tuesday, Febuary 5th,2013. NewYorkTimes published an article titled: Money Changes Everything